DIY Last Minute Christmas Gift : Hot Chocolate in a Jar

It's 2 day until Christmas! And for you who haven't prepared your Christmas gifts, I've got the thing for you ^^ It's DIY Hot Chocolate in a Jar! It's really easy to make and you can easily get all the things you need in a local supermarket.

For this year's Christmas I try to make my own Christmas gifts rather than just buying them - personally I think handmade gift holds more meaning and sincerity to it :)

After browsing through out the internet, one finally caught my attention and it's the Hot Chocolate in a Jar! I have to say its perfect for Christmas since it's December and in Indonesia, although we don't have winters, it tends to rain a lot so I though hot chocolate would be nice.

Here are the things you need :

1. Small to medium size jars
2. Hot chocolate powder 
3. Chocolate bar 
4. Marshmallows
5. Decorations (Baker's twine, gift tags, labels, ribbons, etc.)

How to make :

1. Clean & sterilize your jars.

Remember that hygiene is always important. Wash your jars thoroughly or sterilize them by boiling them. 

2. Put in hot chocolate powder. (I'm using Milo 3 in 1)

First you have to measure the right amount of hot chocolate powder for your jar. I'm using a small jar and it takes about 1/4 cups of Milo for the right taste (it should not be to sweet or bland). I get this result after 3 times trying so you can try for yourself first before making this.

3. Cut the chocolate bar and put them into the jar. (I'm using Hershey's Creamy Milk Chocolate)

Cut your chocolate bar according to the grid line provided. Again, you have to try experimenting with the amount you have to use so you get the chocolate taste just right. For my 1/4 cups of Milo, I use 3 pieces of chocolate. You can use more though, it's really up to your preference ^^

4. Add in the marshmallows.

Finally we can add the marshmallows :) And my philosophy for it is just fill in the jar. Haha. It's because if you have empty spaces in your jar it won't look good and the hot cocoa powder won't stay in place that way. 

5. Decorate it! 

Now for the fun part ^^ You can decorate your jars as much as you want. I'm using labels & gift tags from Lia Griffith's freebies which I adore sooo much ❤. You can get the gift tags here and the labels here. I also use some ribbon & baker's twine. Last tip - don't forget to write the recipe in the tags.

That's it for your own homemade Hot Chocolate in a Jar! 



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